Anel Hugo and her brother Stefan Hugo, young people full of hope and the love of Jesus, come to the aid of many vulnerable elderly and children. 6 Years ago Anel started to place daily spiritual material on social media. She also appeal to the general public to donate easter eggs to be shared with those in need. To date she has distributed 56 000 easter eggs in the Western Cape to various organizations. She has over a hundred people to help her with the distribution of these easter eggs. The Tygerberg Meals on Wheels is one of the organisations who has benefitted from the above. We have received 2 000 easter eggs to date to hand out to our elderly and at our various feeding schemes. Management of Tygerberg Meals on Wheels is grateful for people like Anel and Stefan Hugo and their volunteer team for donations of this kind. Our homebound elderly like it when they receive something sweet with their delivery of meals at home. We salute our very own Florence Nightingale and her team for the love and happiness they bring. The young and old in the community thank them for a job well done.