
Amongst the many services we deliver, we also arrange activities for the center members. Pictured above is one of the flower-arranging activities run by the center.


Homecare / Homehelp

Volunteers assist the elderly at home, as the need arises. The members of the centre are also encouraged to assist one another with basic chores, such as collecting medication from the chemist or doing shopping and laundry.


Feeding Schemes

Volunteers assist us in managing the feeding schemes in disadvantaged communities. Through these schemes we aim to tackle the growing problem of poverty by providing balanced meals and clothing donated by the public.


Transport Services

One of our main aims is to keep the elderly active in the community. We transport them to and from the centre, so that they can interact with others and take part in daily programmes. Transport is also provided to and from Hospitals, clinics and shopping centres, on day trips and other outings.


Community Projects

These outreach projects keep the elderly involved in the community, helps to address poverty, involves the public and makes them part of our welfare projects. Some of our projects include an AIDS programme in Philippi and support of shelters for battered women and children. Seeing the desperate needs of others allows our members, and the public, to look away from their own problems, and to focus on helping others overcome theirs.


Meals on Wheels Service

This service is dependant on the work of our volunteers, who make sure that food is delivered to the doors of the housebound elderly. There is an important link between the centre, the volunteers and the public, who keep us informed of the needs in the community.

Help us make a difference

Through the grace of God and the kind donations from caring citizens and companies, we are able to offer our services to over 5000 people. Help us to provide these services to the community by donating to this worthy cause. We would kindly accept all forms of assistance from financial contributions to goods (clothes, groceries, furniture, etc.), voluntary work, or sponsorships.

Making a difference

If you would like to donate, volunteer or assist in any way, please contact us.